
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Spinach à la Marocaine

I really want to apologize for being MIA, but between twins starting pre-K, PTO meetings, laundry, basketball practice, playgroups, playdates and life in general I have not had much time to breathe.

One of my daughter’s favorite vegetables is spinach, and I honestly wasn’t much of a fan until I started making it this way. There is a type of mallow in Morocco called bakoula that I don’t think is available here in the US. In Morocco they make this wonderful salad/side dish that I love - I now make it at home here in the Sates replacing the bakoula for spinach. I will give approximate amounts for the seasonings, try making it and then adjust according to your preference.

Moroccan Spinach

(Print this Recipe)

2 bunches of fresh spinach
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 Tbsp garlic
1 Tbsp cilantro chopped fine
1 Tbsp parsley chopped fine
1 tsp paprika
½ tsp cumin
½ tsp ginger
About ¼ tsp black pepper, more or less to taste
Salt to taste
About 1 Tbsp preserved lemon diced small (if you don’t have substitute for some fresh lemon juice)

Wash spinach thoroughly. I usually wash it under water, then fill a bowl with water and a drop of vinegar and let my leaves soak a little before rinsing again. Trim off tough stems and chop.

Blanch spinach for about 3 minutes in boiling water. Drain and run cold water over to stop the cooking. Squeeze all the water out of the spinach, I usually put in a colander and put a small bowl on top to press the water out while I am doing something else.

Warm oil in a frying pan and then add garlic let if fry a little then add cilantro, parsley, lemon, paprika, cumin, ginger, black pepper and salt. Throw in the spinach and let it cook for about a minute, mixing well. Serve warm, at room temperature or cold - it is delicious any way.