
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mango Guacamole

I found these Brazilian mangos at the market the other day and bought them thinking of this Mango Guacamole recipe I’d seen in Rick Bayless’ book. Since I haven’t been lucky buying mangos here in Chicago in the past, I didn’t buy many. Surprisingly, these were the best mangos I had since moving here from Brazil many years ago. Tomorrow I’ll be running back to the market for more.

Mango Guacamole

From Fiesta At Rick’s by Rick Bayless

3 medium-large avocados, halved, seeded and peeled
½ cup red onion, finely diced
2 Tbsp fresh cilantro, chopped
1 Tbsp fresh lime juice, more or less to taste
1 large mango, peeled and sliced in small pieces
1 jalapeno, stemmed, seeded and finely diced (option)
Salt to taste

Place scooped avocado pulp in a bowl, coat with lime juice and mash using. Drain, and reserve the lime juice, after all of the avocados have been coated. Using a potato masher add the salt, cumin, and cayenne and mash with fork or potato masher.

Mix in onion, jalapeno, cilantro, 2/3 diced mango and salt. Transfer to serving bowl and garnish with remaining mango. Serve with tortilla chips as appetizer or shrimp tacos as side dish.